First Presbyterian Church has long been committed to helping those who are less fortunate beyond the church’s walls. Mission is important to us and there are a number of ways we help those in need – with monetary donations as well as projects as simple as donating food or providing items for a specific need.
Contact Bruce Erwin, chair of the Mission Committee, if you are interested in joining the committee or have ideas on how to help others.
Congregational Outreach – Participation from the Congregation in Projects
Food Donations – ongoing
While all food donations are always welcome, the Mission Committee often will issue a plea for specific items during a month, such as cereal, rice, laundry detergent, etc. These items can be placed in the Mission Cabinet in the parlor at any time. In addition, a food donation bin is located outside the Church School entrance on Green Street. All donations are distributed to various food pantries in a timely manner.
Due to the generous donations from a friend of the church, we have partnered with Heim’s Wholesale Food Distribution. We periodically purchase $200 worth of food and deliver it to local food pantries.2 Cents a Meal - monthly
On the 2nd Sunday of each month, at the conclusion of the children’s sermon, the children walk around the sanctuary with baskets so the congregation can contribute their coins or bills to a collection based on 2 cents for each meal for the month. This money most often goes to Your Food Shelf, but has been provided to other organizations providing food.
Mission Sundays - Several Times a year
Several times a year, the Mission Committee sponsors a mission project following the worship service that all can participate in. No sew blankets given to various organizations, utensil packets, decorated placemats and centerpieces for Cathedral Kitchen are just a few of the projects planned for 2024.
Shoeboxes - January/February
Each January or February, shoeboxes are placed in the parlor with a list of suggested toiletries to be purchased. Filled shoeboxes are returned within a 3 to 4-week period and provided to local organizations, including, but not limited to, Your Food Shelf and Mission Teens.
Souper Bowl of Caring - February
Souper Bowl of Caring is a youth-based initiative across the nation working to fight hunger and poverty coinciding with the time of the Super Bowl football game. Ruth Gallagher spearheads this project, choosing a theme and promoting this event by requesting both cans of soup and money for soup which goes to our own community. The event is promoted through the month of February. The Mission Committee delivers the soup to various food pantries.
School Supplies – July/August
In July & early August, the congregation is requested to purchase specific school supplies which are provided to local schools. In addition, the Mission Committee purchases items to supplement the donations from the congregation.
CROP Walk - October
In conjunction with neighboring churches, we participate in 2 ways: walkers are requested to find sponsors and participate in the walk.
Hat & Mitten Tree - December
Each December, a peg board tree is placed in the parlor and people are invited to hang new hats, gloves, mittens and scarves on it. These items are delivered to various organizations after the 1st of the year.
Special Denominational Offerings
The following special offerings are collected annually at specific times of the year:
One Great Hour of Sharing
Collected in the spring, these donations are divided between the Presbyterian Hunger Program, the Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
The Christmas Joy Offering
Collected in the weeks before Christmas, this offering provides funding for the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions as well as to Presbyterian related racial-ethnic schools and colleges.
The Peace & Global Witness Offering
Collected in the fall, this offering is divided among the local congregation, presbytery & synod peacemaking ministry and the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program.
Organizations We Support Financially AND/OR with Congregational Participation
Our Denomination’s Mission Work
Included in each year’s budget is money designated for mission work through the General Assembly, the Synod of the Northeast and the Presbytery for Southern New Jersey.
Alberto & Joann Pagano Ministry
Alberto and Joann served in Chile and Central America for more than 20 years before returning to the United States where they are now church planting among Spanish-speaking people in Vineland, and Blackwood, NJ. We provide financial support through our annual budget.
Cathedral Kitchen
A ministry of the Diocese of Camden, Cathedral Kitchen provides nutritious meals for those in need in North Camden in a welcoming setting. We have provided sandwiches and utensil packets to them. Members of the congregation volunteer there on an individual basis.
IHOC (Interfaith Homeless Outreach Network) Hospitality Network
An intensive, six-month long program, whereby IHOC takes up to a dozen homeless men at a time and provides them with shelter and food while providing regular drug & alcohol counseling and life skills training. At this time, our participation in this program is limited as they are currently no longer housing the men in local churches. We provide financial support through our annual budget.
Interfaith Caregivers
This organization helps seniors and people with disabilities, in Haddonfield and Haddon Heights, live independently and stay active in their communities. Volunteers provide rides, grocery shop & run errands, chat or read to a neighbor, provide a meal after a hospital or rehab stay or just make a brief phone call. Several members of the congregation serve on the Board, drive and/or volunteer in the office. We provide financial support through our annual budget.
Living Waters
Living Waters, a designated denominational mission, is supported in honor of our organist, Mike Rugge, and our former administrative assistant, Joan Rugge, who have made a couple of trips to Cuba with Living Waters. We provide financial support through our annual budget.
Mission Teens
Mission Teens, Inc. is a non-denominational Christian Discipleship ministry dedicated to helping people who struggle with life-controlling problems and addictions by ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them. They do not charge for their services; their support comes from concerned individuals and a few churches who are sensitive to their work. They have centers all over the United States and their headquarters is located in Glendora, NJ. We provide financial support through our annual budget.
The mission of UrbanPromise is to equip Camden's children and young adults with the skills necessary for academic achievement, life management, spiritual growth, and Christian leadership. They fulfill this mission through 2 schools, after-school programs, summer camps, and experiential job training. We provide financial support through our annual budget.
Adopt-A-Class at UrbanPromise
The Mission Committee has adopted a class at the Camden Forward School, which is a part of UrbanPromise Ministries. We plan 3 visits a year to the classroom, providing a craft, snacks, and small gifts. We involve the congregation with requests for items such as books.
Your Food Shelf
Since 1980, Your Food Shelf has been helping residents of Camden and the surrounding area avoid hunger. Each year, Your Food Shelf provides emergency food, clothing & household items to seniors, families, and children in need. Each food bag distributed provides a typical family of four with three meals a day for three days. In the summer months, their Farmer’s Market offers free, fresh produce to the seniors and families they serve to ensure they have access to healthy foods. We provide financial support through our annual budget in addition to food donations and other items such as vegetable plants for their garden, hats & mittens, toiletries, and other items.