What to Expect: Questions & Answers if you're new
We are very glad that you are thinking of visiting us.
We worship at 10:30 AM on Sundays (9:30am from mid-June through Labor Day weekend) in a hybrid model. Some of our church family worship in-person in our sanctuary and some worship at home on our Facebook page:
Feel free to review the information below to familiarize yourself with the structure of our services, teachings, childcare, parking, attire, and all the other questions you might have.
What do I wear?
Whatever makes you comfortable! While some of our members prefer to wear more formal attire, others choose to dress in more casual clothing. In the summer months, many people dress more informally in shorts and t-shirts. We hope that you will feel connected to God during your visit, so anything that will allow you to simply relax and participate in worship with us is just fine.
Is your church air-conditioned?
Yes! The sanctuary, parlor, and nursery and classrooms are all air-conditioned.
Where do I park?
Since our church is in the middle of a residential section of Haddon Heights, we do not have our own parking lot. However, there is plenty of street parking on the residential streets surrounding the church. You may park directly on Green Street on the side opposite the church, and there are handicapped parking spots available there as well for those in need.
What door do I use?
You are welcome to use our main entrance doors located at the top of the steps on the corner of 7th Avenue and Green Street. Alternatively, most of our congregation use the door for the office and Sunday School rooms, which is located along Green Street, about halfway between 7th and 8th Avenues. There is always someone ready to greet you at either entrance and they can direct you to our sanctuary. A chair lift is located at the Green St. entrance, for those who need assistance, with a Deacon present to assist with operation of the lift.
Do you offer nursery or Childcare?
Yes! For children in Kindergarten and younger, we offer a trained and talented staff as well as caring activities in our nursery, which is located down the hall and on the right as you enter the building from the Green St. entrance doors. We have two workers in our nursery each week, who are there at least 15 minutes before worship starts, and earlier during the months when our Sunday School classes meet. If your child is more comfortable remaining with you during your visit, they are more than welcome to stay in the sanctuary.
Where do I sit in church?
You are welcome to sit anywhere in our sanctuary. We have no assigned seats, so please sit in any of the pews and where you feel comfortable.
May I take Communion or is that limited to church members?
Any baptized Christian is welcome to receive Communion. We celebrate the sacrament of Communion every first Sunday of the month. We offer gluten-free Communion wafers to ensure we are able to share in the sacrament with everyone who would like to partake.
Will I be asked to stand up and introduce myself or wear a "visitor" name tag?
As much as we would like to get to know you, we certainly respect your privacy and would never ask you to introduce yourself during our Worship service. We are a friendly group and some of our members will likely reach out to you before or after the service to make you feel welcomed. We also encourage you to fill out the visitor card in the pew rack, if you're comfortable, so that we know of your visit.
After worship, we welcome you to join us in the parlor for a social hour. We would love to get to know you and allow you time to get to know our Pastor and members.
I know different churches use different versions of the Lord's Prayer. Which one do you use?
The PC-USA version uses "debts" and "debtors" instead of "trespasses," and we close the Lord’s Prayer with the phrase "for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever."
Do I have to kneel?
We don’t have kneelers in our church, and only sitting and standing are part of the Worship service, not kneeling. Those who are unable to stand for any length of time are of course welcome to sit during the "standing" portions of the service.
Do you have a collection or offering during the service?
We have a special time for offering during each worship service and have an online giving platform through PayPal. However, we don’t expect you to contribute financially when you're just visiting or getting to know us; we're just grateful you're here.
How do I refer to your minister?
As we are a predominantly casual church, our Pastor prefers either Eliza or Pastor Eliza.
Where can I find a restroom?
On the first floor of the Church School building there are men's and ladies' rooms on the right side of the hallway. In the parlor, there is a gender-neutral ADA-compliant bathroom (located on the far right of the kitchen wall) which has a changing table available for those with young children.
If I have another question once I arrive, whom can I talk to?
Each Sunday we have Deacons at each entrance to the sanctuary welcoming our guests and distributing our bulletins. The Deacons can answer any questions you may have, and any of our church members would be happy to provide you with more information about our church as well.