Current Sermon Series


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Lenten Sermon Series

The Hardest Part

Life is a strange mix of hard and hopeful, joy and sorrow, love and loss. While we live in this dichotomy every day, there’s a time every year when we chose to sit in life’s heaviness. Sometimes life is too much, and in Lent we lift that ‘too much’ up to God. As The Everything Happens Project states in their Lenten Devotional Materials, “The Hardest Part: hurt we carry, hope we find”, “For 40 days, we stop pretending things will suddenly get better and face the truth: life is fragile, and so are we.”  This Lent, we will be leaning into life’s fragility and recognizing the strength Christ offers in such times. 

Join us this Lent as we look to Jesus for hope and healing right in the midst of hurt and suffering.