
Sunday Worship @ 10:30AM | In-Person & on Facebook (FACEBOOK.COM/FPCHADDONHEIGHTS)

Giving Options

We are very grateful for the faithful stewardship of our congregation and friends.  If you would like to contribute to our church please consider the two options below.  

Mail us your gift

First Presbyterian Church of Haddon Heights

28 Seventh Avenue

Haddon Heights, NJ 08035

Online giving via payPal

Click the button below to contribute online through our PayPal site (please note that you will be taken to a different website).  If you would like your full donation to go to First Presbyterian Church, please consider adding an additional 2.2% to offset service fees. 

You do not need a PayPal account to give online!  You will be given the option to pay using your PayPal account, or using a debit/credit card without having to login to PayPal.

Our Online Giving page provides you with five options to which you can donate: 

  • Regular Giving (tithes & offerings)
  • Per Capita Annual Contribution ($40/person in 2025)
  • Food Pantry Donations
  • Memorial Gifts
  • Souper Bowl of Caring (a fundraiser in January/February)

2025 Stewardship Campaign

You can submit your 2025 Stewardship Pledge either online (using the form below) or by printing and completing a 2025 Pledge Card (here) and returning it to the office.  Your pledge is secure and will be kept confidential.